Saturday, July 28, 2007


I figured I should share what an Eskimo is ...

Two men were sitting in an Alaskan bar chatting. One was a spiritual man, the other an atheist. The Atheist said to the spiritual man .. " I gave your God a chance once, and it did not work"
The spiritual man asked " In what manner did you give God a chance?"
"Well," said the atheist " A few months back I kind of lost my way outside of the village. Before I knew it I was stuck in a horrible blizzard. I was a goner for sure. So I prayed to your God for help"
"Wow" said the spiritual man " He must have answered your prayers! You are here, hale and hearty!"
"Nah" said the atheist " He didn't do nothing. Some Eskimo showed up and brought me back home!"
My you know your own Eskimos when they find you!

Better and Better

Did I say July was going to slow down? Did I lie or what?
I heard a man the other night, he said that his life may not be second to none, but it was better and better, gooder and gooder. That is true for me as well.
I still have to many issues floating around to be at that second to none stage of the game, however life is still a 100% better than it would be if I was drinking or drugging. I know that with all my heart.
I have been getting back to meetings everyday this past month. I slacked off for a little while and was doing more of the online meetings. And though I am very grateful to have the online option, I get more out of the f2f meetings. Not that they are without stress! One of the facts that I had to accept early on is that regardless of the lofty purpose of AA, and the perfect ideals set before us in AA ... it is still a group of people above all else. And some of them are great, and some not so great.
One of my Eskimos put it in perspective for me the other day. I am hoping that I can hold on to these wise words. "Did you ask a power greater than yourself for help today in staying away from a drink or a drug" Yes " Ok then, that bozo up at the podium is who was sent!" Allrighty then ....
I will try to remember that. Not saying it will be easy, there are countless times when someone is up there and the msg is more preachy than sharing. And that will drive me nuts. But I will try to listen, and if I don't like what I hear, then I wil try to pray for the person and those in the room that they are not pushed away from AA.
I don't think I will ever be "old school" AA. Or maybe I am too old school! One of the many many gifts of AA, in my opinion, is that we are all unique just like everyone else!! Everyone can work their own program in a way that works for them. My program is not for you to judge any more than I should judge yours. Mine works for me, let yours work for you. And that IS how it seems to work. Thank God!
For me, the really important thing is to keep on keeping it in the today. I just have to make it through the right now of the day. Sometimes the right now will last longer than others, but as long as I don't pick up a drink. Just ONE drink .. for ONE minute .. then I can make it through. And if I really want to be smart about it, when I am having a hard time I will let someone know. Sometimes it might just be a mood, come and go just like that. Sometimes there might be a reason ... H.A.L.T (hungry, angry,lonely,tired) Those times I really need to share so I can work through it, and decrease the chance of it happening again.