Monday, July 21, 2008

Party Sober??? Oh Gawd YES!!

Party Sober??? Nope, sorry, can't do it. What is the point? A party is a really good excuse to get plastered and not feel to bad. After all, everyone else is doing it too!!! Minimal guilt, shame, and remorse for getting trashed, now thats what I call a party! The hangover is just the price you pay for having such a good time. Oh, and the throwing up, a little blood is nothing to worry about either. And that stuff you said ~ well everyone knows you were drunk and didn't really mean it. And I am sure that someone will tell you what happened after 8:00 when you blacked out ..... Like were are YOUR clothes? ................................... Oh yah .. party time!!

Yes, yes, yes, yes, That was summer in a nutshell just three short years ago. I honestly did not think there was a point in having a party if it did not involve lots and lots and lots of booze. It did not matter if it was my daughters birthday party or a bbq. BOOZE was at the top of the list for what had to be purchased. And as soon as everyone was fed, cake and icecream served, then I would go into self serve with the drinking. People would help with the clean up, but the bulk would still be out there the next day. After all, I had worked so very very hard to put the party on ... once I figured it was safe then I HAD to reward MYSELF with beer, after beer, after beer, after beer.. It would take days to clean up, mostly because I was hungover for days. Wooo Hooo ... FUN!!

Nope, I don't miss it. I am really learning what fun is now. I had a sober party, for no reason other than to have a sober party, this past weekend. Now that was FUN!!! Right off the bat I can tell you here is is Monday and every bit of the cleanup is done done done. I also remember the entire party. And ... this is pretty huge here ... I don't think I offended anyone!! Wow.

It was a crazy day, running hither and yon getting ready and getting all the food out. Checking to make sure everyone had plenty of whatever it was they should have plenty of! And I loved it. Every second of it. No regrets, no resentments. Just enjoyable. I wish I could have sat and chatted a little longer with everyone. It was kind of like a wedding were I could only zip by each table for a short time But it was all just so cool to see. About 50 people, from the banker to the biker, all just relaxing and enjoying eachothers company. Were else but AA could I have such a diverse assortment of people who know how to have a good time ... SOBER!!

Ok, so I do have one regret, and that is that I did not know I could live like this sooner. However, I am ever ever so glad that I CAN live like this NOW!!