Sunday, June 27, 2010

Isolation ..... Updating

So here I am, just shy of a year later writing again. Still sober ... Thank You God......

I am not sure if it counts as isolation if you stop doing something that nobody ever read anyways. I am not honestly sure if that is why I stopped or if life just got too busy. A little of both for sure. Bottom line is that I am going to start writing again. I go back and re-read what I have read and discover all over again some joyful reasons to stay sober. So even if I am the only person to ever read this blog, it is worth writing.

The quick year in review...........

In September I WENT TO SCHOOL!!!!! Me, a forty something year old high school dropout who has not been near a classroom (daughters not included) in over twenty years. Baby steps baby steps baby steps..... I can do ANYTHING I want today .... except drink. So off to school I went. I just took one class to see how I would do. Scared to freaking death. English. Writing. Start of easy right? WRONG ... For me it was tough stuff. After the first month though I discovered something very important. If I follow directions then I did good. Just like AA. Do the suggestions, stay sober. Imagine that?? I got a A.

January brought some good and bad. But the bad kind of forced the good. The party rental place I ran closed down. In a kind of nasty way with hurt feelings. That is the soft version of the bad. However, now we get to the good, in talking with my sponsor I followed her suggestion and signed up for a certification program to become a Drug and Alcohol Counselor. How AMAZING is THAT!! I never ever would have done that if I was doing the rental company. I could not have done it. That was a real obvious God shuts a door and opens a window!

February brought the start of classes. I was still pretty scared but not as much as in the fall. I walked into the class with a open mindedness and willingness I have never possessed for school. I love it. Love the class, the teachers, most of the other students .... Love the work. LOVE IT!!

School ended in May and does not start up again until September. I will, hopefully, be a very busy girl at that time. Work, school, internship. I am very much looking forward to it all.

Today, I can do ANYTHING I WANT ~ but drink.