Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nice End To The Day

A awesome link.
And, just what I needed. Today was a rotten day for the most part. The condensed version is that my expectations of my daughter and reality is, well to say they are not even close sums it up. I know she loves me, but she has a funny way of showing it. For my part, I don't know how much of it is her age, or her anger at me. I keep praying, and try to keep the gratitude in my heart, but I still hurt on the inside. Time and prayer. I do know that God is with me and it will work out.
That was the start of my day, followed with the bank being closed .. hello .. MONDAY is the holiday .. then I tried to go to my nieces new house to help clean. Even w/ the GPS I got seriously lost. For a little bit it felt like Scary Movie lost because I was in the woods on what would be called a path more so than a road .. with no houses around. THAT was when my GPS told me I had "reached my destination". Nope. Never did find her house. She called me about 30 minutes ago, she just got my message. Had I gone right instead of left of the path she was right there. Hello ... WOODS????? What right?
That was the major stuff, and just little stupid stuff like pushing up on the cream dispenser at the gas station instead of down........ and pissing cream all over the place ........ to fill in the cracks.
But I am home safe and sound now, had a awesome dinner with my family and my friend sent me that lovely Interview With God. So it is all alright. Pretty much the end of the day, I did not drink, God Loves Me and I Love Him ... so life is pretty ok.
Happy Valentines Day!!

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