Wednesday, September 19, 2007

They Always Clap ....

So last Sat night my AA group had a commitment. (speaking engagement) I had been out to dinner with my family up the road from the meeting. I had no excuse not to go. Although I DID try and show up a little late .... I did not want to be chairperson. Well ... I was the ONLY one who showed up from my group!! I hate when that happens!! Even when it is an incoming group. I really don't like when the person feels duty bound to talk the entire meeting if they are the only ones to show. Makes for a LONG meeting .. in my opinion. I like short and sweet. I really don't need to hear about every single drink you ever had. I try and remind myself that yes, I did ask for help that morning .. and THIS is who God sent!! :) Doesn't always work

So when I was the only one to show .. and I had to chair ... I told them from the git go that they would have to help me out. I would NOT be speaking for the entire meeting. My story is boring, and I would get bored .. then babble and be done! lol One of my group members did end up showing up while I was talking, so I called him and told him to wrap it up!! He did pretty good. Brought us up to 5 minutes before the break. I asked if anyone would like to share for the last 5 minutes. Nope, no takers. Soooo... I asked if they wanted to hear a joke? lol And they did .. so I told it ... and yup, they clapped.

Such an ego boost!

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