Monday, January 21, 2008

Life is a chair of bowlies. Sometimes. Other times, if you are having a really good day, it might be a bowl of cherries! But life on lifes terms for me is usually the chair of bowlies. I am not saying that is a bad thing to be honest with you. I think if I was living on high, with a bowl of cherries everyday, then I might start thinking I was cured or something silly like that. My chair of bowlie days are not so bad. I can look back on just about everyday and find some good in it. I am sure I could find some not so good as well, but that really serves no purpose. When I lived in a bottle that is what I did all the time. It is amazing how easy it is to inventory how the world at large has wronged us. Those days were just the pitts.
I don't miss those days. Today I sit in my warm room listening to the wind whip around, content in the Super Bowl match ups and able to remember last nights games. I will go to work for a bit, but not before I have my mini meeting when I get my coffee. And I will go about my day. I do have a possible big stresser facing me today. I will ask God to help me, and He will. I might not care for the answer, but I will get one. And then I will continue on my day. Reminding myself not to dwell on the things that are not going "my" way.
And I am sure, today will in fact be a chair full of bowlies!!

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