Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Struggling a little to come up with a title tonight. Went to a meeting tonight and learned that one of their mainstays had passed away last Saturday. This man to them was like Steady Eddie to me. It comes as no surprise that Allan was also very much like Eddie. Always had his hand out to the new comer and always was working his program. Even when he (like Eddie) was on his way out the door he was still trying to reach his for the new person and show them how wonderful life is sober.
I am pondering a bit, are these people ~ THESE ~ people all along and they just get so very lost in the drinking they stop? Were they this kind hearted from the get go? Or is it learned in the halls? The gift of sobriety is so great and it literally just burst from me at times. I want to share from the rooftops this wonderful life I have. I would do anything to help a person "get" this. Has that always been in me and now I know how to do it? Or is it just this program?

Well, when it comes down to it ~ don't really matter. It is what it is TODAY. Today is the day I AM living. Today is the day that matters. Simple.

R.I.P Allen. You will be missed.

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