Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I am constantly amazed at the gifts of sobriety in my life. Ninty Nine percent of those gifts come in the form of people. God has put some pretty amazing and wonderful people in my life. To learn from, to laugh with. to love, to grow. Although most of them are AA, not all are. God just keeps blessing me were ever I go!!
Tonight I went out with a couple of classmates. We have been trying all summer to get together and we finally did it. A year ago I did not know these ladies at all. Today they are an important part of my life! We have not been in close contact since school let out but sitting with them tonight it was like a day had not passed. Nothing major was said or done tonight, chit chat and chowing on food. So nice to be able to sit and relax, not worry about when the waiter was going to come back with our drinks or how much I could drink in front of them or if I had enough money for another drink!
I really do like this new life!!

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