Sunday, June 10, 2007


Gifts of sobriety are numerous and wonderful. Tonight was one of those gifts. The town I live in has a celebration every year. And even when I was a little kid I always looked forward to it. As I got older, it became another reason to drink. Last year I wondered how it would be sober. I still loved it. This year, I had family visiting .. My sister, her daughter, and my great niece and nephew. I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it was to play with those babies and know that I was not a danger to them, or that I would stink out my sister with my beer breath. And the icing on the cake for me, was holding my 11 month old nephew in the glider as we watched the fireworks light up the sky. Amazing.
I have my higher power to thank for my sobriety, and AA to thank for teaching me, so that when these gifts show up in my life, I am not just there for it, but aware of it.

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