Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

I think it was my first or second AA meeting that I saw MB at. She was the sister of a guy who drank at one of "my" bars. Never would have thought her to be in AA. I just thought she stopped coming to that bar because she was a bit of a snob. Not that I had really thought about it. MB was not a part of my drinking world, so therefore not worthy of thought right?

So I was pretty surprised to see her there. She had been "in" the program for about 6mnths at that point. As I first came around I would see her here and there. God putting the right people in my life for His reasons. MB was having a hard time staying sober. It was very hard for me, being new, to see this. It was not long before I began my own slide back into drinking. Not because of MB ... all my own doing. I let her struggle be a "reason" that AA did not work, and would not work for me. My disease LOVES thoughts like that.

Many was the night one would call the other drunk. "Why can't I stay sober!! Why won't the promises come true in my life!! How do those people do it!! I want to be happy like them" Of course neither of us had anything resembling answers. How could we?

We did make and stick to one promise. We did not ever drink together. And God was it tough at times. The drinker was always looking to bring the other one down to the pits of hell for company. And when you have a foot in the door to begin with ..

God love R and S and M and all the people who helped us out during our struggle to get all the way IN AA. They were our life preservers in the sea of booze we were drowning in. A few of our own Eskimos.

Yesterday I made MB a pineapple upside down cake for her two years of sobriety!! YAY MB!! I am PROUD OF YOU and SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! May you always have a month more than me :)

MB is for me a real gift of sobriety. I have a forever friend in the woman. We have gone through and made it two years out of the worst part of our life. Together, drawing on each others strength. Being sober is work. Not as much work as being drunk, but it is still work. Having a friend like MB to stand with makes it possible!

We could not stay sober because we kept picking up that first drink.

Today, the promises are coming true for us, we have some of that happy "those" other people have. We are, one day at a time, getting better.

Two YEARS!! If we can do it ....

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