Friday, November 16, 2007

Two Years, and TODAY!!

Well, I did it. Two years without a drink. I did not think I would make it a week. But by doing what was suggested in the program of AA, I have put a few 24 hours behind me. One day at a time. That continues to be my mantra. In good times and bad, the most important thing for me to remember is it is just for today. All I have to deal with is today. Who knows what tomorow is going to bring? I'm good .. but I am not that good. Sober does not bring ESP!! Wish it did, then I could play the numbers and win!
So what has been the most important lesson of the past two years? A very tough question. You would think, considering I am the one who just asked it I might have an answer! I have learned so much in the past two years. About living, about life, about myself, and I am still learning. Each time something new comes along I think it might be the most important thing I have learned, but then something else comes along. And well, THAT becomes the most important thing I have learned. Brings it back to being in the day. The lesson I learn today, that is the most important. Today remains the most important day in my sobriety!!

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