Monday, December 31, 2007

and ..... SAFE!!!

Minutes away from the grande finale of the Tri-Fecta of holidays. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
I opted this year for low key and staying in. Last year I went to a sober party. It was fun, but I really did not like being out driving. So this year I went to my home groups meeting, came home and have had good visit time with my family. Even though we live together we sometimes need an extra goose to spend quality time together. Today was good.
So this is my fourth sober New Years. Yet I only have two years of sobriety. Hmmph ... all I have is today, and that is all I need.
My wish to all is a safe, happy, and sober 2008!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Just a Smile

One of the things that will always stick in my head is the day my dad commented "It is nice to see you have your smile back". I had not even known I lost it.
But I have it back today, and I use it. I don't think it is anything special, it is just me after all. However I have noticed, more so the past few months, when I smile at someone I usually get a smile back. How very very cool!!
I had a dear friend say to me last week that when he sees me smile it makes him happy. Wow. It's just a smile.
Yet if you give one, and get one back, boy what a feeling!
I wanna go with laugh lines on my face. It is a good life, with lots and lots of great people in it now, and still more out there that I have yet to meet. Could be that I will meet them with something as simple as a smile. Just a smile. Amazing.
So along with not smoking ... my new years resolution is going to be smile more more more. Not just at the babies in the store, but at the parents too. Smile at the people who help me on a day to day basis ... from the coffee person to my family. Smile.
Just smile.
Happy New Year To ALL!! :) :) :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Snow Time to Drink

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow .....

That use to be a call to the bar. The weather people would predict snow and off I would go. Hang out at the bar and chat about if it was really going to snow, how much snow if we got it, and how late they would have to be out plowing. I did not have to worry about the plowing. At the end of my drinking the snow meant I could drink "at home". I would hit the packy and pick up some beer, and vodka. I could keep it in a snow bank when I was shoveling. Some how or another though I always ended back at the bar. I think about how trashed I would get. The hangovers. Staggering around the streets. But hey, it was snowing!! So it was all right.

Today, for a very very brief second I missed all that. All I was remembering was the laughing hanging at the bar ... And no, right now I don't miss it.

Gifts of sobriety, I knew enough to get off the damn roads. Came home, shoveled the driveway, made coffee. And now I am relaxing. I will make some Christmas cookies in a little bit, listen to some Christmas music. And I will walk up the street at 7:30 just in case they have a meeting. And I will have those laughs I was missing at the bar earlier. Tomorrow when I wake up I might be a bit sore from the shoveling, but my eyes won't feel like they are popping out of my head. Yup, gifts.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Minny Meeting

Tonight I went on a commitment with my group. (my group visited another group and we spoke from the podium) It was a great meeting. But the meeting(s) that really made my night were not really in the hall at all. They were in the car on the way to and from the commitment. Tonight the ride was about 45 minutes away. That's a hunk of time for sharing. It was a great opportunity for me to get to know a couple of my group a little better than I did 4hrs ago!! But better still ... the recovery talking we did. For a change I was the "long timer" in the car with my 2yrs. Can't say I felt any wiser for it ... but hearing them talk I can say I was grateful for were I AM in my sobriety!! The important things I walked away with tonight are that if you keep coming long enough, the cliches you hear all the time will sink in and start working. Whether you want them to or not; Everyone, regardless of how long they have been sober or coming to AA has something worth listening too; and last ... we all just have today. So very very important for me to remember that. Today. That is all I have and all I need.