Thursday, December 6, 2007

Minny Meeting

Tonight I went on a commitment with my group. (my group visited another group and we spoke from the podium) It was a great meeting. But the meeting(s) that really made my night were not really in the hall at all. They were in the car on the way to and from the commitment. Tonight the ride was about 45 minutes away. That's a hunk of time for sharing. It was a great opportunity for me to get to know a couple of my group a little better than I did 4hrs ago!! But better still ... the recovery talking we did. For a change I was the "long timer" in the car with my 2yrs. Can't say I felt any wiser for it ... but hearing them talk I can say I was grateful for were I AM in my sobriety!! The important things I walked away with tonight are that if you keep coming long enough, the cliches you hear all the time will sink in and start working. Whether you want them to or not; Everyone, regardless of how long they have been sober or coming to AA has something worth listening too; and last ... we all just have today. So very very important for me to remember that. Today. That is all I have and all I need.

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