Saturday, December 29, 2007

Just a Smile

One of the things that will always stick in my head is the day my dad commented "It is nice to see you have your smile back". I had not even known I lost it.
But I have it back today, and I use it. I don't think it is anything special, it is just me after all. However I have noticed, more so the past few months, when I smile at someone I usually get a smile back. How very very cool!!
I had a dear friend say to me last week that when he sees me smile it makes him happy. Wow. It's just a smile.
Yet if you give one, and get one back, boy what a feeling!
I wanna go with laugh lines on my face. It is a good life, with lots and lots of great people in it now, and still more out there that I have yet to meet. Could be that I will meet them with something as simple as a smile. Just a smile. Amazing.
So along with not smoking ... my new years resolution is going to be smile more more more. Not just at the babies in the store, but at the parents too. Smile at the people who help me on a day to day basis ... from the coffee person to my family. Smile.
Just smile.
Happy New Year To ALL!! :) :) :)

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