Saturday, October 4, 2008

That God Thing ..... Again

I am sure I will have more thoughts a pinging around when we get to step 3 with the awol, but God has His place in my thoughts now with step 2.
One of the things I really really like about AA is that I don't have to believe WHAT you believe. And nobody has to believe what or how I believe. It does seem that the majority of people, at least around the AA I go to, end up with God, and usually the Christian God. We have a few and then some CIA around here ( Catholic Irish Alcoholic ), so I think falling back into what you were brought up with is the way to go for most. Pretty much that is were I am. I still don't have a lot of faith in religion, but I do have faith in God.
Belief in a power greater than yourself, if you allow it, can really take the pressure off. I am finding more and more how nice it is to have this friend with me throughout the day and all things. I still have to remind myself, that no, I can't make it rain and there are many other things I am better of turning over. Progress not perfection.
Step 2 opens the door for a power greater than yourself to come in. I have always held a belief, very undefined, in a God, again undefined. I also figured for me to get the way I was, He did not like me to very much. That was a big one to get over. The more I think about this step, and how I got to the point I am at with it today, it really was osmosis!! Well, not all of it. I went to meetings, I went to step meetings, I listened, and in my pea brain bits and parts started to make a good kind of sense. I had to get over the "I am not worthy of Gods Love". Today I know I am. But walking through the doors of AA bruised and battered ......... I did not think it mattered HOW much I believed in a Power Greater Than Myself ... there was no way I was worthy of It's help.
Kind of like how I have no clue when I crossed the line into outright alcoholism, I don't know when I stopped believing I was not worthy. Even at my worst, I am worthy. And if I can accept that, then I can accept the help I will get from Him. Or Her ..........

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