Friday, November 14, 2008

Sober Fun

Just how fun can sober be?? TONS!!! Last night was another first for me in sobriety. A football game with three other sober woman. And yah know what? It was awesome!!

It was my second sober football game, and I had a great time at that as well. But last night was extra cool being in the company of three amazing wonderful sober women. We shared sober talk as well as everyday talk. It is amazing to me though how all of us apply the steps in our everyday life. Or at least try to. Not that that is how the converstation went ... "I went to the store and applied step 6 ......" No, not at all. But for myself, being aware of how the steps work in my life, listening and also knowing a bit about these gals, I could see how it is working in their lives. That was pretty damn cool too.

So today I am a little tired, legs hurt from walking, but my heart is happy. I had fun last night. And I am still new enough at this sober life that a fun night like that still amazes me. I did not have to drink to enjoy myself. And unlike say another 40,000 people or so who were also there last night .. I have no hangover today!!

Yup, life IS good!!

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