Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Windshield Wipers

Yes, windshield wipers. And God doing his God thing again.

During last weeks New Years Eve storm my windshield wipers got thrashed. I was one of those dopes who "ran just one more errand" before heading home. Dumb. I was a good girl though and went out NY's day to buy wipers. Even thought I was a cool chix using the computer at Walmart to purchase the correct size ... yah right!! Got them home, wrong size. I brought them back yesterday, and the computer told me to buy the same ones so I figured I should go someplace else to buy them.

I was going to buy them this afternoon. Want them on before whatever happens happens tonight!! But I drove right by the auto part store .. too crowded. Figured I would get to it.... Have I ever mentioned what a lazy procrastinator I can be?? I was hungry and cranky .. just didn't feel like it. So off I go to 5 Guys Burgers and Frys (very very good btw).

Now for God doing His God thing........

I got on the WRONG exit!! I only drive this way at least once a week!! Not a real big deal, just a dumb ass move. Figured I would just turn around. As I get to the top of the exit though, what is RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET??? Another Auto Part store. Ok, ok, I get the drift. Wish all of God's little messages were so clear!! lol

And if we are in any doubt that this is a God thing ..... as I get out of my car one of the auto stores cars starts beeping at me ... the driver is waving away at me, big smile on his face. My own personal Bill W. from my step meeting!!! You know God is involved if a AA person shows up too... lol So we chit chat for a few and one of his co/workers comes back from lunch and Bill sets me up with the guy for new wipers and installation. Sike!! Wiper installation is just not something I am good at .....

It is just a fun little story about how I can see God doing His God thing in my life. He is involved in so many facets, I don't see it all the time. So it is always nice to have a in your face here I am :)

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