Thursday, March 19, 2009

Away away 'O

To Miramar I go!!! What wonders will await me this time? I know I shall find a peace that is unique to both the people and the place.

The countdown started pretty much the second I made the reservations. Just knowing in my heart that I had the retreat to look forward too ... well it made some bad days tolerable. I was a little disappointed this week to find out that a few people I thought would be going are not. And then I found out some other people I did not think would be going back, are!! And then .. tonight someone I did not know was even thinking of going will be there. And God was good and let me talk with this person for a few minutes tonight so that I knew a little more than I would. That is how God works with me .... sometimes

We leave tomorrow at 3, we will get there by 4. I Can't Wait!!!!!!!

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