Saturday, January 10, 2009

Stuff ~

It has been a very busy week. I had work of some sort or another every day, meetings every night, and fighting off a cold. Pretty much a bushwhacked kind of week.

Today I went with my group on a commitment. It was a return commitment to the group that my good friend Steady Eddie used to belong. I never made it to that meeting while he was alive, although he invited me on a regular basis. I never went for two reasons, lazy did not want to get up and moving on a Saturday morning, and fear. The meeting is in the fringes of Boston. Boston is BIG SCARY CITY. I did not want to drive. I always built up all kinds of scary situations for if I went. Even today I was more that a little bit worried about the drive, the parking, the neighborhood. I could have built it up built it up, and stayed home. But I did not. Progress. I invited a friend, not a friend of Bill, but huge friend of Kris :). I was going to ask (tell) him to drive. But I mapquested the meeting, have a gps, and a friend in the car. I can do this. And I did!! I only freaked out a little tiny bit about the parking. Progress.

It is taking those little steps, and being able to SEE that I am taking them. Last year I would either have not taken the step, or if I had, not seen it for the positive change in me that it is. I like this being aware, and more open to changes person I am becoming. Lots and lots of work left to do though.

So now I am home, and figured in for the day/night. We are due another snow storm at some point or another. I went on the commitment this morning, so figured I could skate on the detox tonight. I also know that there is a good size group going to the de-tox so I am not "needed". God has other plans for me. A good AA friend called, and we agreed she needed a meeting tonight. So we will go to the detox together. I am kind of hoping I can skate on the talking part, my brain is fried, but if I get called, well, Gods plan not mine. As I said to my friend, even just being the body that cared enough to show up sends a strong message. So I will be a body that cares enough to show up. Just hope I stay awake too ... lol

1 comment:

Dad to Triplets said...

The outskirts of Boston, eh? Wow! Ha ha ha. Whereabouts? jst curious...