Thursday, October 2, 2008

Insane??? Who ~ ME????

Well, yes ME!! Step 2 Came to Believe a Power Greater Than Ourselves Can Restore Us To Sanity. Ok, but that means having to admit that I was insane if I need to be restored to sanity. I did not like that step all that much at first. Who wants to admit to being nuts AND alcoholic? One or the other please, not BOTH!!
I will admit, in the first go round I would have rather ed be insane. Then I could drink right? Not. Once I did get into the steps ... just the little baby toe on my left foot dipping in ... I really did not like the label of insane. I read what it had to say in the 12 & 12, and listened at the step meetings, and although it made sense I did not like it. I did not identify with it. I had done some stupid things, but I was not insane.
Two years straight of going to the step meetings, and regular meetings, without me even knowing it I started to resemble that step. I got the part about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results being a definition of insanity. After all, how many hundreds of times did I walk into a bar and KNOW that I was just going to have ONE drink. This time it will be different. And it never was. If for some reason I did actually limit myself to one or two drinks that day, I always made up for it the next time I drank. Insane.
Last night at the awol, we read some examples from the little red book. I found myself nodding my head FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM!! Insane?? Ya think??
Today though, I am walking around a little lighter in the soul department. Last night I really really was able to admit without reservation that yes, I WAS insane. Knowing that, accepting that, and key word being WAS ... really did bump me up a notch in my recovery. I feel better today. Admitting to the insane behaviour that was me did not buy me a stay in a padded room, it opened another door to recovery for me. The benches in this new room might be padded for safety reasons, but also for comfort.


Anonymous said...

Insane? Of course you're insane,the only sane people at NORCAP were Steady Eddie,Doris(except for the language)and ED ( except for the "hair flip)and they have all passed on. That leaves you, me and the rest of the crazies. Don't ya just love it!

Knock off the fainting crap,slow down juuussst a liiiittle bit, sleep some and eat once in awhile.

Miss ya, see ya soon,

Take Care,

Luv ya,


Kris said...

I'm sleeping & eating, promise!!

Having "insane" thoughts playing through my head this week, when I have heard people say that they came to AA and felt "at home right away" ... I think, thats because they are insane!!! lol I think that is why retreat feels so good!!
If I don't see you before, I will see you then. Miss you too!! MUCH!