Monday, August 25, 2008


An entires weekends worth!!!!

One of my nieces got married this weekend. It was a beautiful weekend, perfect day for a wedding, everyone had fun nobody got hurt ... I am grateful!!

Friday I was unbelievably grateful for a great employee who worked his tail off to help me be able to take the rest of the weekend off and enjoy it. I really am very delighted with this boy. In a age of entitlement for the teens, sorry I see it far to much! .. This boy is a hard worker and very responsible. I can trust him to do as asked, and do what he says. He has made running this business possible.

Saturday was wedding day, and I was grateful for EVERYTHING!! All the family that was able to attend, and play nice. The love and happiness that was so evident on my nieces face, and her now husband. Very special to see and be a part of. And I am oh so very very grateful that I remember the entire night, and was clean and sober. That allowed me to enjoy the night so much more than had I been drinking!

I have to interject a little story here. There was one person, who IF it was up to me to make the call, I would say this person is a alcoholic. Not my call ... anyways.... This person asked that my sister and I buy some beer for the after party. Neither of us wanted to do it, but another person added to the request. Again, not our call to make. We stressed and stressed over this. By the time we left the reception it was late, we were in a area we did not know looking for someplace to buy beer. We did not want to go back with out it, because the person can be such a freaking ass, and if we did not have the beer ... oh the stress the stress. We never did find a place to buy it. And again the stress the stress of showing back at the hotel without the beer. We were plotting and planning who we could go to to get beer to keep this person from turning up the volume on being a JERK. Doing all of this, made me oh so very grateful that I was not torturing my family like that anymore. And made me sad to realize just what a pain in the ass I was when I was active. I don't believe I ever turned as nasty as this person, but I might have been like that. Sad. But again, grateful for the reminder to me of what it use to be like ~ for me. And what I did to others.

Sunday I was grateful to not wake up with a hangover .... lol And to have all my memories of the night before in tact. TO know that I did nothing to upset or offend anyone. To know that when I say I had a good time, it was the truth.

And today I am grateful it is all over!!!

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